Obverse of 1965 Churchill Crown
1965 - Coin of the Year -1965
United Kingdom 1965 Churchill Memorial Crown
Sir Winston Spencer Churchill is best remembered as the UK's wartime prime minister during the Second World War. Most of his great achievements were in the wartime period, although he appears not to have shone as a peacetime prime minister. With little doubt he was the right man for the job at the right time.
Such was his contribution to the freedom of the UK that a commemorative coin, a crown or five shilling piece, was issued in his honour, the first time the head of a commoner had appeared on a British coin since Oliver Cromwell. It can never claim to be one of the world's finest coin but it does remind us of Britain's finest hour.
Canada adopted its new maple leaf flag.
The Gambia became independent from the United Kingdom on February 18th.
Princess Stephanie of Monaco was born on February 1st, and King Farouk I of Egypt died on March 18th.

Sir Winston Churchill on UK Memorial Crown of 1965