![1672 Copper Farthing of Charles II](images/1672farthingobv240.JPG)
1672 Copper Farthing of Charles II
1662 - Coin of the Year -1662
Copper Farthing of Charles II
In 1672 the first base metal coins were issued in England, before this the official mint had only issued coins in precious metal, gold or silver. There were halfpennies and farthings issued in 1672 made of copper. This helped to relieve a sever shortage of small change, which had previously been supplied by privately issued coins or tokens. This was also the first time Britannia appeared on British coins.
On the 15th March 1662 Charles issued the Royal Declaration of Indulgence, an attempt to extend religious liberty to Protestant nonconformists, by suspending the execution of the penal laws that punished recusants from the Church of England.
Peter I of Russia was born on June 9th.
![Britannia Reverse of 1672 Copper Farthing](images/1672farthingrev240.JPG)
Britannia Reverse of 1672 Copper Farthing